Del Rio Introspection

Del Rio nights leaves something to be desired, quiet, as is my mind, filled only of my own thoughts, which scars me. There was a time where I felt that being emotional was to be weak, strange even.  Though I no longer think it is weak, I still feel it is quite strange. Even stranger still, I have come to realize how usual my lack of emotion is.  I see its value yet I possess very little.  I have grown to be fascinated by other capacity to feel, envious even. Selfishly, I think this is why I am drawn to my current occupation.  A broad array of emotions are amplified in such a place making even the least empathic among us feel something.  I share in some of peoples most intimate and weakest moments without ever having to return the favor. What does this say of me? Well, I think that is enough introspection for one night. 

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